Thursday, January 7, 2010

math test... ugh

right now i want to kill the bastard that invented algebra. i have a huge test tommorow. it's not like i don't understand it or that i don't think i'll do well, becuase i will, it's just that i wasted a whole night studying. but grades are important for college, right? even if i'm just planning to go to UCLA i still need good grades right?? comment your answer. i neeeeeeed good grades or my parents (mostly my mom... my dad doesn't care enough to inform himself on the status of my educcation. he only cares how much this school costs him). it's crazy. do your parents ever flip out when you get even and A-. yeah, that's how crazy we're talking here. one time i got 6/8 on some assignment, it wasn't even worth that much. but on my progress reprt the grade cam out to like a D. my mom FLIPPED out and was like "you had a D in this class.. that's soooo bad!!" and those were the only two points i got off any assignment for the whole quarter. the weird thing is- i think i would care more about my grades if my mom wasn't on me about them every time i had a test or something. if she let me have the chance to care instead of telling me what i have to to to please HER. who's life is it here? life YOUR life mother (myah-hee, myah-hoo, myah-ah, myah-haha). so anyways i've been studying FOREVER so i think i'll do well (enough.. but here's the question: for whom?. another question, does good grammar make me look smart or like a nerd? and is that even good grammar? i was never taught the who vs. whom thing. if you know comment!!)
kay i have to shove my nose back in the book for a while. anthere question: is it actually true if you sleep on an open book you absorb the material inside it? it seems kind of ludicrous (ludacris haha) to me, but it would be cool if it was true. jajaja (for my fellow spanish speakers and all the illigal immigrants. haha welcome to america)
~just live your life~

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