Monday, January 4, 2010

boys boys boys

so i'm single, big deal right? and it's not like i'm terminally single or anything like that, but when you're at a school as small as mine, everyone knows everything about everybody, so it's kind of annoying. plus, all the guys at my school are pretty immature and only care about sports (sigh). and of all three cute guys, one of them is too short and the otehr two have acne (sigh again. daaang, i'm depressed today. hahaha) and it doesn't help that i just found out my best friend has been talking to this guy from another school,and he's a year older than us. i'm hoping they go out, because that is the condition she agreed to set me up with one of his friends. i guess it just annoys me that she gets moer guys than me. and she's not even THAT pretty. she is pretty, but not gorgeous. not enough for him to "notice her in church" but i guess she is. oh, before i forget, check me out on FML ( some of my posts will be the same, but i'm trying to keep this (mostly) positive, so i'll put bad stuff on there. my blog is pretty much going to be the place where i vent, fantasize and otherwise get out my pent up creative energy (i know that sounds weird, but a journal just wasn't working, plus, writing cramp... can you say ouch??)
i'll update when anything else interesting happens (unlikely... but i can hope)
aaah, the joys of homework!!!
have a good day~~

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