Monday, January 4, 2010

boarding school??

so i've been thinking about boarding school, kinda just as a joke and because it sounds like fun. but tonight i did a little research just to get my feet wet and see what's out there. there are so many schools out there!!!!!! i'm looking for somewhere that has a good english/literature (like writing etc...) program and a place with a super strong equestrian program, possibly with boarding. also acting/ theater. here's where it gets tricky. i know we won't be able to afford it without some kind of financial aide/scholarship. and i don't even know if this is something i want to do yet, it's just an idea. so do you guys know of any good schools that you attend or know someone who does?? i'm looking to go somewhere in (southern) california, england (anywhere but preferably somewhere with mild winters) or new york (concrete jungle where dreams are made of. there's nothing you can't do....). so do you know of anywhere good to look into or any scholarships (or somewhere with them -full ride??-)thanks so much for all your help

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