Saturday, January 9, 2010

happy weekend!

so for all you guys out there that had to go back to school from winter break, you know how i feel. it's weekend and we can finally have a good time again. anyone who has a favorite weekend activity ('activity' haha) or anything COMMENT!! i only slept in until about 9, but thats like four hours later than i usually wake up- 5(or 5:30, or 5:40. that snooze button will get you). it's bright and sunny out (snowy too, but that's unavoidable), which automatically makes me happy. one of my favorite things is waking up and listening to what's going on around me, then slowly opening my eyes to find that bright yellow light streaming through my window. it's something that only happens (right now) on the weekends. another reason i love this is because it reminds me of summer, my absolute favorite time of the year!! weekends vaguely remind me of summer, mostly because of the sleeping in- because notihng else is the same--especially not the weather!! so happy weekend everyone. don't spend it sitting in the dark-watching TV. remember how lucky you are- the sun is shining, every day is a miracle- live it right!! spend today with the people you love

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