Wednesday, January 6, 2010


we practically never go to theaters to see movies. so i am reduced to waiting until they come out on DVD and sadly, i still havn't seen any of the good-looking movies from YEARS ago!! so sad. so are there any good recentish movies that you think i just HAVE to see?? comment and tell me. thanks.
if you're not following mysocalledundeath you have to go there RIGHT NOW!! you probaby want to read the book first, tho. (Generation Dead and Generation Dead, Kiss of Life by Daniel Waters). the blog is a really cool addition to the books.
if you have any ideas for me to talk about tell me!!! i'm only on like day 5 of blogging and i might be running out of things to talk about? but then again, this is me we're talking about here, so i'll probably think of something more interesting as soon as i post this. yeah, i'm just cool like that. hahaha riiiight. if you need any advice or anything post a comment and i'll do my best to help. i'm all about you guys so feel free to ask anything!!

~never apologize for getting what you deserve~

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