Monday, January 11, 2010


i'm so sad right now. and not just cuz of the notebook, but everything, and the fact that i am single right now just makes life a hell of a lot better. i wish i could just pull a kristen (the hills) and escape my life for a while. wouldn't that be great.... find some random stranger, everything based off first impressions, no complications that come from knowing someone since kindergarden. none of that. and no drama. simplicity. i just need to escape my school for a while. that would be fabolous- impossible, yet amazing. i know i know. tommorow is a new day, but i just want to be sad for a while longer.


1 comment:

  1. omg omg guys!!! it's ari!! hi hi. ugh i know it's been soooo mega long since i've been on here or my twitter!!! (like over a month!!) how crzy is that!!??! i basically just realized that the real world, suckish as it may seem, it where i actually should be, not pouring my heart out to strangers. i still will in the future, though and i'm pretty sure i'll get sucked back in here soon, but i'm really proud of myself for getting off twitter and stuff and trying to become normal again. it's been good for me... i think. as a my life update.... it still sucks but i'm trying (and failing) to hang in there. still love you guys.
    ps-happy spring break!!!!
